Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Busy Weekends: Gus Macker/Rally in the Valley

The last two weekends have been full with some big events. Olean hosted two big events, The Gus Macker, a 3 on 3 basketball tournament and then Rally in the Valley, a 3 day motorcycle rally. Both were great events with plenty of opportunity to make interesting images. The Macker can be summed up in 3 words... basketball, basketball, basketball. I don't know how many games I shot Saturday afternoon and Sunday covering the tourney, but I saw an amazing number of good games. From 8 yr olds through adult. Here are just a few of my favorites. Other photos can be seen here.

-The best seat in the house!

Then this past weekend was the Rally in the Valley. Thousands of people turned out for the 3 day event. Friday evening was the kickoff with a band and big wheel races. Saturday filled Bradner Stadium with bikers, visitors, food and gear vendors, music and games. Sunday rounded out the weekend with a 130 mile dice run. I've included a few of my favorites here as well. I also have them available through my web-site for anyone looking for pictures of themselves and their friends, just click here: Rally Pics
-Ball Drop... Off the fingertips
-Knights Joust
-Tire Toss
-Bite the Wienie
-Fun for all ages!
-Pin-striping by Letterfly
-Dice Run

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